KANSAS CITY, MO.— The Ferguson Group (TFG) Principal and telecommunications expert, David Hoover, participated on “The Future of Rural Broadband” panel at the 15th annual INDATEL Business Symposium, which was held November 7-10 in Kansas City, MO. The panel discussed the state of broadband connectivity in rural communities across the country and strategies to tap into federal telecommunications funding and resources.
“I was very excited to join my fellow rural broadband enthusiasts at this year’s INDATEL Business Symposium,” said David Hoover, TFG Principal. “Broadband infrastructure is critical for rural communities to thrive in the 21st century economy. It’s key that rural governments and public agencies have the resources at their disposal to achieve their connectivity needs.”
David Hoover has over twenty years of experience helping rural communities across the country meet their broadband, telecommunications, and technological needs. His strong connections with policymakers on Capitol Hill, the Administration, and representatives from industry, associations, and public interest groups, gives TFG clients access to immeasurable resources to successfully address their broadband and telecommunications issues.