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TFG To Present on Water Infrastructure Funding Opportunities in American Water Works Association Workshop

Leading minds behind WIFIA legislation, TFG to share information on WIFIA and SRF with public utilities in workshop presentation.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Ferguson Group (TFG) Principal and Manager of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Stephanie Missert, will join the American Water Works Association (AWWA) tomorrow, Wednesday, August 25th at 1:25 – 2:25 P.M. ET to virtually present “How States Make SRF and WIFIA Work”.

The workshop brings together experts in water management policy to help utilities solve their water infrastructure financing challenges by effectively implementing funding opportunities through the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) and Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF).  This workshop is part of the “Financing Solutions for Water Infrastructure” program.

“We’re seeing increasing threats to our water resource infrastructure throughout the country,” said Stephanie Missert, TFG Principal and Manager of Policy and Regulatory Affairs. “Whether its historic droughts threatening water supply or more extreme wet weather events stressing stormwater and wastewater systems, it’s vital that communities have every resource available for long-term water solutions. I’m looking forward to sharing information on the borrower’s – particularly utilities – experience applying for both WIFIA and SRF to help them better understand how to apply for and secure these critical water resource funds to help lower costs for utilities and ratepayers alike.” 

TFG was a lead voice in establishing WIFIA – a long-term, low-cost financing program for local and state-level water projects – and helped develop three Letters of Interest (LOIs) selected to apply for full applications in Fiscal Year 2020. In fact, TFG has worked with successful WIFIA applicants in each round of funding under the program. For nearly 40 years, TFG has combined federal advocacy efforts in agriculture and urban water management policy with highly successful grant services to secure federal funding for water projects in local communities.  

Documents to download


US Congressional Calendar

9 December 2024

TFG Presents 2025 Congressional Calendar

The Ferguson Group (TFG) compiled a 2025 Congressional Calendar with session and recess dates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate 119th congressional session. 

Latest TFG News

28 January 2025

TFG Monitoring Developments of Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs

On January 27, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under President Trump issued a memorandum titled “Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs.” The directive mandates Federal agencies to temporarily suspend the obligation and disbursement of federal financial assistance while conducting a comprehensive review of programs and awards to ensure alignment with the administration’s policies and priorities. As part of this review, agencies are also instructed to temporarily suspend the issuance of new program solicitations.

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