Jennifer Imo Presents Infrastructure Programs for Local Governments at NYSBA Conference

Participants at the New York State Bar Association Conference received insights into available federal funds.

Jennifer Imo Presents Infrastructure Programs for Local Governments at NYSBA Conference

Last week, Jennifer Imo, TFG Managing Partner of Client Services and Irma Esparza Diggs, Senior Executive and Director, Federal Advocacy at the National League of Cities, held a “Federal Funding for Local Governments” presentation at the New York State Bar Association’s “Local & State Government Law Section” Conference held in Washington, DC.

TFG Presents Earmarks Lessons Learned in ICMA Annual Conference Workshop

TFG appropriations veterans will provide local government leaders key information to help secure federal earmarked funding.

Today, TFG federal funding experts will present “Earmark Debrief: Lessons Learned and Tips for Success” at the 2022 Annual International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Conference.

TFG Grants Expert to Hold “Brownfields 101” Webinar

Kristen H. Long will give participants a jumpstart on securing funding for Brownfields projects their communities.

TFG Grants Expert to Hold “Brownfields 101” Webinar
Next week, The Ferguson Group (TFG) Grants Analyst and Brownfields expert, Kristen H. Long, will hold “Brownfields 101” webinar.

Letter from Roger Gwinn, TFG CEO

I'm excited to introduce TFG's Letter from the CEO where I will provide regular updates so you can get to know us better, see where our clients are achieving significant wins in their communities, and learn more about what we do. This first edition highlights the firm's greatest asset—our staff! 

July 2022 marks our 40th anniversary! Since 1982, we've seen communities we work with remarkably advance. I'm proud to see our team expand and am eager to show you what's in store for TFG and our clients going forward. Thank you for an incredible forty years!

TFG President and CEO Share Federal Funding Insights at California Water Resources Roundtables

Roger Gwinn and Mark Limbaugh discussed federal funding available for western water priorities at the annual ACWA Conference and Virtual Roundtable.

SACRAMENTO, CA. – Roger Gwinn, The Ferguson Group (TFG) CEO, and Mark Limbaugh, TFG President, presented at the Association of Water Administrators (ACWA) roundtables: in May, the 2022 Spring Conference “Accessing Federal Funding” and in June, the Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Federal Funding.

«March 2025»

Grant Due: FY 2024-2025 WaterSMART Environmental Water Resources Projects

FY 2024-2025 WaterSMART Environmental Water Resources Projects

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides funding for projects focused on environmental benefits and that have been developed as part of a collaborative process to help carry out an established strategy to increase the reliability of water resources. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States, tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority located in the Western United States. Nonprofit conservation organizations working in partnership with the entities listed above or that notify entities listed above are also eligible to apply


WHEN'S IT DUE? March 11, 2025 (Period 2)

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US Congressional Calendar

Alex Yiannoutsos

TFG Presents 2023 Congressional Calendar

The Ferguson Group (TFG) compiled a 2023 Congressional Calendar with session and recess dates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate 118th Congressional session. 




Latest TFG News

28 January 2025

TFG Monitoring Developments of Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs

On January 27, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under President Trump issued a memorandum titled “Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs.” The directive mandates Federal agencies to temporarily suspend the obligation and disbursement of federal financial assistance while conducting a comprehensive review of programs and awards to ensure alignment with the administration’s policies and priorities. As part of this review, agencies are also instructed to temporarily suspend the issuance of new program solicitations.

Meet a Team Member

Kristen H. Long

Kristen H. Long

Grants Principal

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