Free Webinar: COVID-19 Mass Vaccination: Preliminary Guidance for Local Government Leaders and Managers

  • 10/14/2020 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Author: Kristi More
  • Number of views: 290

Free Webinar: COVID-19 Mass Vaccination: Preliminary Guidance for Local Government Leaders and Managers

Oct 14, 2020 - Oct 14, 2020

01:00 pm - 02:30 pm ET



Registration open.


Guidance for Local Government Leaders and Managers on COVID 19 Vaccination

On September 16, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), released the COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdiction Operations.  With this publication’s release the clock is ticking for state and local entities to prepare for the rollout of potential vaccines for the disease caused by the novel new coronavirus.  Initial state, territorial, and tribal plans are due on October 16th to the CDC.  This presentation will offer advice and guidance for local government leaders and managers on (1) what is in the playbook and (2) strategies for preparing your community, jurisdiction, and staff now for a mass vaccination program against COVID-19. 


NACo Webinar: Navigating the Needs of Unhoused Populations Amidst COVID-19

  • 10/14/2020 3:00 PM
  • Author: Kristi More
  • Number of views: 326


Navigating the Needs of Unhoused Populations Amidst COVID-19

Oct. 14, 2020 , 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Contact Katie Sullivan


The COVID-19 crisis underscores the need for the systemic changes to our social safety net for long-term upward mobility, particularly for vulnerable populations such as unhoused populations. Addressing the public health needs of unhoused populations (to include access to testing and ability/safe place to quarantine, among others) is an integral component of containing the spread of an infectious disease, particularly airborne illnesses without population level herd immunity. Understanding the potential impact of a localized outbreak in unhoused and housing unstable populations further underscores the urgency of addressing access to housing beyond economics, but toward preserving the health of our communities. Join us in learning about the intersection of economic security, public health and housing and about how counties can respond in the face of a public health and economic shock.

«October 2020»

Hearing: House Natural Resources Committee

Full Committee Hearing: Legislative Hearing: Environmental Justice for All Act

Date: Thursday, October 1, 2020Time: 12:00 PMPresiding: The Honorable Raúl M. Grijalva, Chair

On Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. EDT, via Cisco WebEx, the Full Committee will hold a legislative hearing on the following bill:

  • H.R. 5986 (Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva), To restore, reaffirm, and reconcile environmental justice and civil rights, provide for the establishment of the Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice Compliance and Enforcement, and for other purposes.“Environmental Justice for All Act”. 

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TRB Webinar: Weathering the Storm - Climate Resilience at Airports

TRB Webinar: Weathering the Storm - Climate Resilience at Airports

Do you make decisions that affect the resilience of airport infrastructure in response to the long-term impacts of climate change? TRB is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM Eastern that will discuss how to apply benefit-cost analysis tools and techniques to improve this decision making process. Presenters will identify how to recognize, enhance, and adapt procedures that affect airports and other infrastructure projects.

The webinar features research from ACRP Research Report 199: Climate Resilience and Benefit–Cost Analysis: A Handbook for Airports.

This webinar is sponsored by the Airport Cooperative Research Program. There is no fee to attend this webinar; however, sign into to view registration information.

Webinar agenda and presenters:

  1. Adapt sea level rise and high temperature forecasts to risk adjusted benefit-cost and investment analysis: Frank Beradino, GRA, Inc.
  2. Method to identify the odds of a project paying off and the odds of large losses: Bill Spitz, GRA, Inc.
  3. Question and answer session: Moderated byMary Davis, Tufts University

The first 60 minutes of the webinar will be for presentations and the final 30 minutes will be reserved for audience questions.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this webinar, you will able to:

  1. Discuss the practical use of climate forecast data for airport decision making
  2. Describe how to develop useful risk information

Continuing Education Units for Accredited Airport Executives

The American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) will provide 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) to accredited airport executives who attend this webinar. Claim CEUs by visiting For questions about AAAE continuing education units, please contact

Registration is available until just before the webinar starts. Once the webinar starts, you will be unable to submit your registration. Individuals who are registered for a webinar but do not receive their confirmation emails due to their organization’s internal firewalls should contact the TRB Helpdesk for assistance in signing in.

Registration questions? Contact Reggie Gillum.

E-Newsletter Type: TRB News    

This Summary Last Modified On: 9/23/2020

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ICMA Webinar: Effective HR Policies and Procedures for the 'New Normal'

ICMA Webinar: Effective HR Policies and Procedures for the 'New Normal'

October 27, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET

Click here for more information and registration

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NACo Webinar: CRF Updates: Spending Strategies Under Multiple Deadline Scenarios

NACo Webinar: CRF Updates: Spending Strategies Under Multiple Deadline Scenarios

November 6, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

Click here for more information and registration

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US Congressional Calendar

9 December 2024

TFG Presents 2025 Congressional Calendar

The Ferguson Group (TFG) compiled a 2025 Congressional Calendar with session and recess dates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate 119th congressional session. 

Latest TFG News

28 January 2025

TFG Monitoring Developments of Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs

On January 27, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under President Trump issued a memorandum titled “Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs.” The directive mandates Federal agencies to temporarily suspend the obligation and disbursement of federal financial assistance while conducting a comprehensive review of programs and awards to ensure alignment with the administration’s policies and priorities. As part of this review, agencies are also instructed to temporarily suspend the issuance of new program solicitations.

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Earl Stockdale

Earl Stockdale

Of Counsel and Senior Advisor

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