6 April 2016

FAA Reauthorization One of the Few Major Bills to Move Forward in Congress in 2016


For the remainder of 2016, there are only two must-pass pieces of legislation remaining in Congress: (1) a massive Omnibus appropriations bill funding the federal government for fiscal year (FY) 2017, which will likely pass in the lame-duck period of November-December after the presidential election and following the enactment of a short-term Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government beginning October 1; and (2) the reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). On March 30, President Obama signed the “Airport and Airway Extension Act of 2016” into law, which extends authorization and tax authority for the FAA through July 15, 2016; FAA authorization was set to expire on March 31. This gives the House and Senate just over three months to reach consensus and pass a long-term FAA reauthorization bill before Congress recesses for seven weeks from July 16-September 6, for the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and the annual August summer recess.    


The House Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee passed, on February 11, the “Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act of 2016” (H.R. 4441), by a near party-line vote of 32-26. The AIRR Act would reauthorize the FAA through September 30, 2022 and includes a controversial provision which would privatize the U.S. air traffic control (ATC) system in three years by spinning 38,000 federal workers into a private nonprofit corporation. The privatization of the ATC system has effectively grounded consideration of the AIRR Act to a complete halt. House GOP leadership has not (and likely will not) put the bill up for a vote by the full House any time soon, due to the controversial provisions in the bill.


On March 16, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee passed, by a unanimous vote, its own FAA reauthorization bill, the “Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 2016” (S. 2658), which would reauthorize the FAA through September 30, 2017. This bill, unlike the AIRR Act, does not contain the privatization of the ATC system, making it much less controversial than the House’s counterpart bill. According to the Senate Commerce Committee, the bill “supports U.S. jobs, improves safety, advances beneficial drone technology, and helps passengers [and] does not raise taxes or fees on the traveling public.”


On April 4, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced that the Senate will be using a tax bill passed by the House last year, the “America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2015” (H.R. 636), as a vehicle upon which the FAA Reauthorization Act will ride (this is due to a rule stating that all legislation including tax-related provisions must originate from the House). Because the FAA bill will likely be the last tax bill to be considered by the Senate before the fall elections, negotiations are underway to attach the extension of some expired clean energy tax breaks to the bill. Additionally, several transportation security-related amendments will likely be considered by the full Senate, in the aftermath of the Brussels airport attack last month. On April 6, the Senate took a key step forward on the FAA Reauthorization Act by voting, 98-0, to limit debate on the procedural motion to put the bill before the Senate. There will likely be at least a few votes on amendments to the bill before the full Senate passes the bill by the end of the week. If the Senate bill passes, it will go back to the House, where the AIRR Act has been languishing.


The next three months of consideration of the FAA Reauthorization Act will primarily be in the House’s court. Whether House GOP leadership (1) allows for an amendment process of S. 2658, ultimately bringing it up for a full vote by the House; (2) ignoring it entirely; or (3) attempting to vote on the House T&I Committee-passed AIRR Act, is currently a big unknown. What is known, is that the FAA will continue to be in the spotlight for the majority of the remaining legislative days Congress is in session this year.   

Blog TopicTransportation
«July 2024»

Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2024 Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program

FY 2024 Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides veterans treatment courts (VTCs) and criminal justice professionals with the resources needed to plan, implement, enhance, and sustain evidence-based treatment court programs for veterans with substance use disorders (SUDs). Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State governments, city or township governments, county governments, federally recognized Native American tribal governments, special district governments, and state agencies

TOTAL FUNDING AMOUNT? $19.5 million 

WHEN'S IT DUE? June 27, 2024

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Grant Due: FY 2024 Solar and Wind Interconnection for Future Transmission (SWIFTR)

FY 2024 Solar and Wind Interconnection for Future Transmission (SWIFTR) 

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program will expedite future interconnections of wind, solar, and battery energy storage systems into the transmission system while preserving data security and system reliability. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State governments, local governments, federally recognized Indian Tribes, institutions of higher education, nonprofits, and for-profit entities 


WHEN'S IT DUE?  June 28, 2024

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Grant Due: FY 2024 Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant

FY 2024 Community Facilities Technical Assistance and Training Grant

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to support eligible entities in providing technical assistance and/or training with respect to essential community facilities programs. Provided technical assistance and/or training will help eligible ultimate recipients to identify and plan for community facility needs that exist in their area. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Public bodies, private nonprofit corporations, and federally recognized tribes located on federal and state reservations


WHEN'S IT DUE? July 3, 2024

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Grant Due (Grants.gov): FY 2025 Grants for Arts Projects (Round 2)

FY 2025 Grants for Arts Projects (Round 2)

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program provides project-based funding supporting public engagement with the arts and arts education; integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities; and improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State and local governments, nonprofit organizations, and federally recognized tribes or tribal communities


WHEN'S IT DUE?  July 11, 2024

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Grant Due: FY 2024 United States Marine Highway Program (USMHP)

FY 2024 United States Marine Highway Program (USMHP)

WHAT DOES IT FUND? The purpose of this program is to develop, expand, or promote marine highway transportation or shipper use of marine highway transportation. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? States, metropolitan planning organizations, political subdivisions of a state or local government, port authorities, tribal governments; and private-sector operators of marine highway projects or private-sector owners of facilities, including Alaska Native corporations

TOTAL FUNDING AMOUNT? $4.85 million 

WHEN'S IT DUE? July 12, 2024

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Grant Due (JustGrants): FY 2024 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants - Competitive

FY 2024 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants - Competitive

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program will improve forensic science and medical examiner/coroner services, including services provided by laboratories operated by states and units of local government. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State, city or township governments and county governments


WHEN'S IT DUE? July 21, 2024

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Grant Due (Grants.gov): FY 2025 Our Town Program

FY 2025 Our Town Program 

WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program support creative placemaking projects that integrate arts, culture, and design into local efforts that strengthen communities over the long term. Click here for more information.

WHO'S ELIGIBLE? Units of local government, federally recognized tribal communities or tribes, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, nonprofit, and institutions of higher education


WHEN'S IT DUE? August 1, 2024

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US Congressional Calendar

27 November 2023

TFG Presents 2024 Congressional Calendar

The Ferguson Group (TFG) compiled a 2024 Congressional Calendar with session and recess dates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate 118th congressional session. 

Latest TFG News

TFG: A One Stop Shop for Communities' Legislative and Funding Needs 28 June 2024

TFG: A One Stop Shop for Communities' Legislative and Funding Needs

TFG's strategic alignment accelerates the firm's mission to help build stronger, more vibrant communities nationwide.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Ferguson Group (TFG) is proud to announce a comprehensive alignment and expansion of its Advocacy, Grants, and Consulting Divisions in response to the increasing demands of communities nationwide. This strategic initiative will enhance the firm's mission to help build stronger, more vibrant communities across the country.

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Elizabeth Vela

Elizabeth Vela

Grants Analyst

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