Grant Due: FY 2023 Inflation Reduction Act: Threatened and Endangered Species Program
WHAT DOES IT FUND? This program aims to conserve and recover federally-listed and Bureau sensitive animal and plant species and their habitat on public lands. The program also shares cooperative responsibility with other Bureau of Land Management (BLM) programs and partners for conservation of more than 2,700 non-listed BLM sensitive species with a goal of avoiding the need to list them in the future. The funding agency is looking for projects that are state or regional in scope or projects that provide a programmatic approach for improving the Bureau effectiveness or efficiency. Click here for more information.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE? State, county, local, and special district governments; school districts; institutions of higher education; Native American tribal governments and organizations; nonprofits; and public housing authorities.
WHEN'S IT DUE? May 16, 2023