MOORESVILLE, N.C. – The TFG Grants Team is pleased to welcome Dan Miglin as Grants Project Manager. With nearly 20 years of experience as a grant writer, administrator, and consultant, in the fields of public safety, mental health, homelessness, housing, social and veterans’ services, and the environment, Dan is a valuable addition to the TFG Grants team.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The National Association of Towns and Townships (NATaT) is pleased to join the 2021 Small Town America Civic Volunteer Awards (STACVA) Ceremony on Monday, November 15, 2021. NATaT is a proud co-sponsor of the annual event which honors the extraordinary achievements of 100 public service volunteers from communities under 25,000 including several from NATaT member states. CivicPlus will award prizes to each winner, including cash awards, valued over $1,000,000. Other co-sponsors of the award are the National Association of Counties, National Volunteer Fire Council, Points of Light, and Main Street America.
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